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Request .........!!!!

our country has around 25 million orphans out of 135 millions orphans in whole world...These children live their life without love and proper care.....Future of our country living without support and without  good upbringing...
if you capable to parent 2nd child... than please adopt a child... your this step can change whole life of someone...than and give your contribution to make country strong...
Please think about it for a while....
its my extremely Request to all of you


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The Happy man is the man who lived objectively, who had free affection and wide interest, who secure his happiness through these interest and affection. To be the recipient of affection is a potent cause of happiness. The main reason of unhappiness is that he thinks only about cause of his unhappiness. He continues to be self -centered and therefore does not get outside. Although this difficulty is real, there is nevertheless much that he can do if he has rightly diagnosed his trouble. So think Objectively not Subjectively